Understanding the Impact of Bullying: A Chat with Lucie Tursicova

Headshot of Lucie Tursicova from Eucalypt Therapy, expert in bullying support and behaviour strategies


Bullying is something that doesn’t just affect the person it’s happening to—it ripples out, touching families, friends, and even entire communities. At Slim Gym, we’re all about tackling these tough issues head-on, especially when it comes to supporting those in the disability community. As I got into this industry, I started hearing more and more stories—enough to see that bullying is a common thread, particularly for people with disabilities. It’s clear that bullying adds an extra burden to those who are already facing significant challenges.

That’s why I’m so excited to share our latest two-part podcast series, where I had the chance to sit down with Lucie Tursicova from Eucalypt Therapy. We dove deep into the real effects of bullying and talked about what we can all do to help. I truly believe that the more we know, the better we can be in various situations. That’s the driving force behind this podcast—learning, improving, and ultimately being able to better support those who have put their trust in me.

How Bullying Affects the Person Being Bullied

Lucie is amazing—she brought so much insight to our conversation. We talked about the emotional, psychological, and social effects that bullying can have on someone. These impacts can show up in different ways, and it’s so important to recognise the signs early on so we can step in and offer support.

Being There for Someone Who’s Being Bullied

One of the big takeaways from our chat was how crucial it is for parents, teachers, and support systems to be there for someone who’s being bullied. Lucie really drove home the importance of creating a space where people feel safe and supported. We also shared some practical strategies that can make a big difference, especially within the disability community.

Creating Emotional Safety After Bullying

If there’s one thing we all need to focus on, it’s creating emotional safety for those who’ve been bullied. Lucie shared some great tips on how to build these safe spaces—places where people can heal, grow, and feel empowered to move forward.

Trigger Warning:

Just a heads-up—this episode includes discussions about sexual themes and suicide. These are heavy topics, so please take care when listening.

Why This Podcast on Bullying Matters

Bullying has long-lasting effects, especially for those in the disability community. By understanding these effects and learning how to support those impacted, we can all play a part in making a real difference. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or just someone who cares, this podcast is for you. Who knows—what you learn here could be the butterfly wings that prevent something from happening down the line.

Connect with Lucie Tursicova

Lucie is such a valuable resource, and I’m so grateful she joined us for this conversation. You can learn more about her work at Eucalypt Therapy, and be sure to follow her on Instagram and Facebook for more great insights.

Tune in to Our Podcast on Bullying

I really encourage you to listen to this important conversation. The podcast is available now, and I think you’ll find it both eye-opening and helpful. Whether you start with part one or listen to both episodes, there’s a lot here that can help us all make a positive change.



Audio version



Bullying is a tough issue, but with understanding and the right support, we can help those affected to heal and grow. At Slim Gym, we’re committed to doing our part to build a safer, more inclusive world. I hope you’ll join us in this important conversation and take that first step toward making a difference. You can find further links to resources on Bullying here